Our skilled dentist may recommend Invisalign® clear aligners if you are looking for a discreet alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign treatment involves the use of comfortable, custom-made clear aligners to move your teeth into their ideal positions and straighten your smile. We invite you to call Unique Dental Spa today at 470-422-7804 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Hadi Hakami and find out if Invisalign clear aligners in Norcross, Georgia, are right for you.

Invisalign clear aligners are an orthodontic treatment used to straighten your teeth and improve your smile. Unlike traditional braces, which rely on metal brackets and wires to align your teeth, Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear, removable aligners to correct the positions of your teeth.

When you receive Invisalign clear aligners, here is what you can expect from your treatment process:

  1. Consultation — The first step in your treatment is to schedule a consultation with our dentist. During this initial appointment, we will examine your teeth and evaluate their alignment to determine if treatment is right for you.
  2. A Customized Treatment Plan — If you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, our dentist will create a customized treatment plan to align your teeth and help you achieve your smile goals. This plan will include a series of aligners that you will wear for approximately two weeks. As you switch to new sets of aligners, your teeth will gradually move into their optimal positions.
  3. Custom-Made Aligners — After creating your treatment plan, our dentist will take impressions to create your aligners. Your aligners are specially designed using advanced 3D imaging technology before being made from smooth plastic, ensuring that your treatment will be comfortable as well as being effective.
  4. Wearing Your Aligners — You will need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day. While your aligners are removable, you should only take them out to eat, drink, brush and floss. This allows you to maintain good oral hygiene and a normal lifestyle while also moving your teeth into the correct positions.
  5. Switching Aligners — You will switch to a new set of aligners about every two weeks, as directed by our dentist. Each set of aligners makes small adjustments to the positions of your teeth until they have moved into their proper positions.
  6. Regular Checkups — You will meet with our dentist regularly throughout your Invisalign treatment to ensure your smile progresses as planned. These appointments usually happen every six to eight weeks, though our dentist may recommend a different schedule depending on your individual needs.
  7. Completing Your Treatment — After your teeth are aligned and you have finished your treatment, our dentist will recommend that you wear a retainer to help keep your smile properly aligned. We will discuss your options with you to find the right type of retainer for your needs.

We invite you to contact our team today to learn more about the benefits of Invisalign clear aligners and schedule your personal consultation with our dentist to find out if this treatment is right for you!

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